The Bremer Group, manufacturer of The VertAlign ® Spinal support system, has been trusted to provide for the orthotic needs of spinal conditions for over two decades. VertAlign Spinal Supports offer effective TLSO and LSO (custom fit and custom made) external spinal stabilization for your...
(more)The Bremer Group, manufacturer of The VertAlign ® Spinal support system, has been trusted to provide for the orthotic needs of spinal conditions for over two decades. VertAlign Spinal Supports offer effective TLSO and LSO (custom fit and custom made) external spinal stabilization for your patients. Whether you need post-surgical or trauma stabilization or conservative pain relief.
The VertAlign Spinal Support System of components provides a unique, patented, "select and apply," molded, rigid, gender-specific orthoses, available at the point of patient care, for timely, effective spinal care.