CastExpo 2025 Account Info:

Internal/Contract Contact:

The following contact information is collected for internal purposes.
( ) - x
( ) - x

Bill To Contact:

The following information will be used when generating invoices.
( ) - x
( ) - x

Directory Contact:

The following information will be used in the printed show directory and published in other printed materials.
Note: This is also the name of the person who will appear in the show directory.
( ) - x

Directory and Listing Info:

The following information will be used in the printed show directory and published in other printed materials.
The name you want to display at the event, if different from your Company Name.
( ) - x
( ) - x
(chars left: 400)
Please enter a maximum of 5 contacts.
To select a subcategory, first select a category, then a subcategory. To choose multiple subcategories under the same category, add a line and choose the same category and then choose the second subcategory (i.e. To choose two alloys/materials such as copper and iron, first choose Alloy/Materials, then choose the Copper, then on the next line choose Alloy/Materials, then choose Iron.)
You can select up to 5 Categories. You can add more Categories by purchasing an upgrade.

Image Verification:

Image Verification