Barry Rosson is a Professor of Structural Engineering at Florida Atlantic University. His areas of research interest are in nonlinear structural mechanics, steel structures, structural dynamics and stability....
Dr. Simpson is an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University. She received her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and her Bachelor of Science from the University of Kansas....
Ataollah (Ata) Taghipour Anvari is a PhD student in Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University. He is interested in the experimental and numerical investigation of structures under fire and seismic loads....
Ph.D. Candidate at Johns Hopkins Univeristy, Civil and System Engineering Department. Research in earthquake engineering, seismic design, topology optimization, structural stability.
Dr. Ashley P. Thrall is the Myron and Rosemary Noble Associate Professor of Structural Engineering in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences at the University of Notre Dame where she directs the Kinetic Structures Laboratory....
Aradhana Agarwal is a Graduate Research Assistant and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her graduate research is in the area of earthquake engineering and steel des...
Anna Petroski is a Co-Founder of Atema Inc, a hands-on educator, and a management executive with 25 years of experience in quality, fabrication, standards writing, and executive association management....
Andrew is a bridge load rating engineer with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation - Bureau of Structures. He specializes in refined analysis methods for load rating and permitting of some Wisconsin’s more complex bridges....