DoorJamm prevents doors and gates from closing behind first responders on any incident scene. DoorJamm is light, flexible, carries anywhere, and deploys in seconds. A perfect alternative to traditional door stops. Affordable to equip every officer in the field. We print custom DoorJamms too.
DoorJamm prevents doors and gates from closing behind first responders on any incident scene. DoorJamm is light, flexible, carries anywhere, and deploys in seconds. A perfect alternative to traditional door stops. Affordable to equip every officer in the field. We print custom DoorJamms too.
TraumaPAK designs, develops and customizes operational medicine Trauma kits for professionals and civilians. We only use medical gear that is evidence based and proven to work when lives depend on it.
DoorJamm and TraumaPAK are first responder owned & operated companies
“Let’s save lives together”